Source code for unifi_video.utils

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import re

[docs]def dt_resolvable_to_ms(resolvable, utc_offset=0, resolution=6e4): '''Convert datetime resolvable to milliseconds since the Unix epoch. Args: resolvable (datetime or int or str): Object that is resolvable to a date and time (see below) utc_offset (int): UTC offset in seconds resolution (int): Max resolution (in ms) for the returned timestamp. Default is to mimic UniFi Video frontend in providing at most minute granularity. Returns: int: Milliseconds since the Unix epoch On *datetime* resolvables The type of the ``resolvable`` parameter will affect the return value. *datetime*: Naive *datetime* values are offset by ``utc_offset`` while TZ aware *datetime* values are offset by whatever :class:`~datetime.timedelta` their :attr:`datetime.datetime.utcoffset()` returns. *str*: Strings are treated as naive *datetime* values and should follow ISO8601 in including at least the ``YYYY``, ``MM``, and ``DD`` parts in either ``YYYY-MM-DD`` or ``YYYYMMDD``. *int*: Ints are assumed to be UNIX timestamps; only ms conversion and granularity changes will be applied. ''' if isinstance(resolvable, str): iso8601_match = re.match( ( r'([0-9]{4})-*([0-9]{2})-*([0-9]{2})[Tt\s]*' r'(?:([0-9]{2}):*){0,1}' r'(?:([0-9]{2}):*){0,1}' r'(?:([0-9]{2}):*){0,1}' ), resolvable) try: return dt_resolvable_to_ms( datetime(*[ int(i) for i in iso8601_match.groups() if i is not None]), utc_offset, resolution) except (ValueError, AttributeError) as e: raise ValueError( 'Unable to parse date and time from "{}"'.format(resolvable)) elif isinstance(resolvable, datetime): if resolvable.tzinfo and resolvable.tzinfo.utcoffset(resolvable): utc_offset = resolvable.utcoffset().total_seconds() ts = int(resolvable.strftime('%s')) local_td = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts) - datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts) ms = (ts + local_td.total_seconds()) * 1000 elif isinstance(resolvable, (int, float)): utc_offset = 0 ms = resolvable * 1000 else: raise TypeError('Datetime resolvable cannot be of type {}'.format( type(resolvable))) return int(ms - (ms % resolution) + (-1 * (utc_offset * 1000)))
def format_mac_addr(mac_addr): if len(mac_addr) != 12: return 'ffffffffffff' return ':'.join('(..)(..)(..)(..)(..)(..)', mac_addr).groups()).lower()
[docs]def parse_gmt_offset(gmt_hhmm): '''Parse UTC offset as reported by UniFi Video Arguments: gmt_hhmm (str): UTC offset from /bootstrap JSON (``settings.systemSettings.gmtOffset``) Returns int: UTC offset in seconds ''' valid = re.match(r'gmt([+-])([0-9]{1,2})(?::([0-9]{1,2}))?', gmt_hhmm, re.I) if not valid: raise ValueError('"{}" is not a valid GMT-offset string'.format( gmt_hhmm)) seconds = [ i[0](i[1]) for i in zip( [ lambda x: 44 - ord(x), lambda x: int(x or 0) * 3600, lambda x: int(x or 0) * 60, ], valid.groups()) ] return seconds[0] * sum(seconds[1:])